The Most Important Marketing Strategy To Remember For New Entrepreneurs

I used to write a lot about societal issues, philosophy, and world topics, and the one thing that I realized after spending months working on that blog was that nobody really cared. No matter how great the content was, I wouldn’t get many visitors. 


Why?  I didn't understand the most important marketing strategy. I realized the issue was that my content was about me and what I was interested in. It wasn't what the readers were looking for. 


This is a problem many new bloggers/business owners face. Your content isn’t about you. You aren't trying to sell yourself your content. You’re trying to attract other people to your content. 


Put yourself in your potential customer's shoes. Why might your customer consider investing in your business? What questions or problems might they have for them to want to seek out information and solutions? What problems might your current visitors have? Be in their heads, not yours.


Think of yourself as a guide for your customers. You are there to guide your audience to their goals. With this approach, you can build your audience's trust.


 Be strategic with your content. Don't just provide your audience with random information. Guide them through what they've been looking for.


An issue that relates to the idea of just creating random posts is that you don’t want to automatically assume someone wants a service, even if it’s not at their expense.


  Just because something is free and beneficial, doesn’t mean people are going to take the two seconds to look into what you have to offer. 


When I first started my entrepreneurship journey, I would use logic to get friends and people in the same niche as me to support me. I would offer them a completely free product to help get my business running. 


What was the outcome? Nobody would take my offer. Now, maybe I just had sucky friends (and I did), but you would think people would take up an offer if there is no chance of them being negatively impacted.


This was a problem that bemused me the most. After all, everyone likes free content that benefits them, right? 


Well, not exactly. Like I said before, you need to guide your visitors, so they can figure out their problems, questions, and solutions. No matter how good a deal may sound or how convenient that service you’re providing may be for them, if the potential customer didn’t lead themselves to that answer, you aren’t going to make any sells or get a lot of traffic to your site.



The best way to generate traffic and sell a product is to have empathy. Gain trust from your customer. Find out where your audience is engaging new ideas and understand who those potential customers are. 


Ask yourself what roadblocks they are experiencing that may cause them to seek you out. Understand what their individual journey is like, so they will be ready to receive the information that you provide.


Get into the minds of your audience to understand what they're looking for. If you can remember this important marketing strategy, you're well on your way to running a successful business. 



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